A stuck Kokomo Overhead & Garage Doors can be a frustrating inconvenience, especially when you’re trying to gain access from the outside. Whether due to a power outage, a malfunction, or another issue, knowing how to safely and effectively open a stuck garage door is essential.

In this guide, we’ll provide you with a detailed step-by-step process to help you successfully unlock and open a stuck garage door from the outside.

  1. Assess the Situation

Before attempting to open the garage door, take a moment to assess the situation. Determine whether the door is stuck due to a mechanical issue, a power outage, or another factor. This initial assessment will guide your troubleshooting efforts.

  1. Check for Power

If your garage door opener relies on electricity, ensure that there is power to the garage door opener unit. If the power is out, the remote control might not work. Check if other electrical devices in the garage are functioning to confirm whether the power is the issue.

  1. Inspect the Manual Lock

Some garage doors have a manual lock mechanism that can be engaged from both the inside and outside. If you suspect that the manual lock is engaged, locate it on the inside of the garage door and ensure it is in the unlocked position. If the lock is engaged from the outside, insert the key and turn it to disengage the lock.

  1. Examine the Emergency Release Cord

The emergency release cord is a red rope hanging from the garage door opener mechanism. This cord disengages the garage door from the opener, allowing you to manually open the door. Gently pull the cord downward to release the door from the opener. This will enable you to open the door manually.

  1. Unlocking With a Coat Hanger (For Manual Locks)

If your garage door has a manual lock and you don’t have the key, you can attempt to use a coat hanger to disengage the lock from the outside. Straighten the coat hanger and create a hook at one end. Insert the hooked end through the top of the door near the center and try to hook onto the manual lock’s release mechanism. Gently pull the coat hanger downward to release the lock.

  1. Use a Thin Tool (For Emergency Release Cord)

If the emergency release cord is inaccessible due to its height, you can use a thin and sturdy tool, such as a long screwdriver, to reach it. Slide the tool under the garage door and locate the emergency release cord. Gently pull the cord down to disengage the opener, allowing you to lift the door manually.

  1. Lift the Garage Door

With the garage door disengaged from the opener, you can now manually lift the door. Place your hands on the bottom edge of the door and lift it carefully, applying even pressure on both sides. Lift the door until it is fully open.

  1. Safety Precautions

While manually opening a garage door, it’s important to prioritize safety. Keep your feet away from the path of the door and be cautious of the door’s weight. Garage doors can be heavy, so use your legs and body to support the weight while lifting.

  1. Inspect for Obstructions

Before closing the garage door, inspect the tracks and the area around the door to ensure there are no obstructions. Debris or objects in the way can cause the door to get stuck again or become damaged.

  1. Re-engage the Emergency Release Cord

After you’ve successfully opened the garage door, remember to re-engage the emergency release cord before using the garage door opener again. Pull the cord upward until you hear a click, indicating that the door is re-engaged with the opener.

  1. Seek Professional Assistance

If you encounter difficulties or if the door remains stuck despite your efforts, it’s advisable to seek professional assistance. A trained technician can diagnose and address the underlying issue, ensuring the door operates safely and efficiently.


Opening a stuck Kokomo Overhead & Garage Doors from the outside requires a combination of careful assessment, troubleshooting, and safe handling. By checking for power, disengaging locks, and using the emergency release cord, you can successfully gain access to your garage. Always prioritize safety and consider seeking professional help if you’re unsure or encounter challenges during the process. With these steps in mind, you’ll be prepared to address a stuck garage door situation effectively.

Kokomo Overhead & Garage Doors

1910 Valerie Ct, Kokomo, IN 46902, United States
