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Tag: Garage Storage Bennington NE

What Types Of Garage Storage Solutions Are Popular In Omaha – Platinum Garage Solutions

Garage Storage Bennington NE range of popular garage storage solutions embraced by residents.

From shelving units to cabinets and innovative organizational systems, homeowners in Omaha have a plethora of options to optimize their garage space. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the types of garage storage solutions that are popular in Omaha, highlighting their features, benefits, and suitability for different storage needs.

1. Wall-Mounted Shelving Systems: Wall-mounted shelving systems are a staple in many Omaha garages, providing efficient storage solutions for tools, equipment, and other items. These systems typically feature sturdy shelves that can be mounted directly onto garage walls, maximizing vertical space. Homeowners appreciate the versatility of wall-mounted shelving, as it allows for easy customization and organization. By keeping items off the floor, wall-mounted shelves help create a cleaner and more organized garage environment.

2. Overhead Storage Racks: Overhead storage racks are popular among Omaha homeowners looking to maximize space in their garages. These racks are installed on the ceiling, creating additional storage space above parked vehicles. Overhead racks are ideal for storing seasonal items, bulky equipment, and other belongings that are not frequently accessed. They help free up valuable floor space and keep the garage clutter-free. Overhead storage racks come in various sizes and weight capacities to accommodate different storage needs.

3. Garage Cabinets and Workbenches: Garage cabinets and workbenches are sought-after storage solutions in Omaha for homeowners who prioritize organization and functionality. Cabinets offer enclosed storage space for tools, hardware, and supplies, keeping them protected from dust and debris. Workbenches provide a dedicated workspace for DIY projects, repairs, and hobbies, with built-in storage drawers and shelves for easy access to tools and equipment. Garage cabinets and workbenches come in a variety of sizes and configurations to suit different garage layouts and storage requirements.

4. Slatwall Systems and Accessories: Slatwall systems are gaining popularity in Omaha garages due to their versatility and adaptability. These wall-mounted panels feature horizontal grooves or channels that accommodate various accessories such as hooks, baskets, and shelves. Slatwall accessories can be easily rearranged or added as needed, allowing homeowners to customize their storage setup. From organizing gardening tools to hanging bicycles and sports equipment, slatwall systems offer endless possibilities for garage organization.

5. Freestanding Storage Units and Shelving: Freestanding storage units and shelving are favored by Omaha homeowners who prefer flexibility and portability. These units come in a variety of styles and configurations, including wire shelves, plastic bins, and metal racks. Freestanding shelving units can be easily moved or repositioned, making them suitable for garages with limited wall space or irregular layouts. They provide convenient storage solutions for bulky items, seasonal decorations, and household supplies.

6. Garage Wall Organization Systems: Garage wall organization systems are gaining popularity in Omaha for their comprehensive approach to garage storage. These modular systems typically include a combination of shelves, cabinets, hooks, and bins that can be arranged to create a custom storage configuration. Wall organization systems help maximize space efficiency while keeping items easily accessible and visible. Whether storing automotive tools, gardening supplies, or outdoor gear, these systems help homeowners maintain a tidy and functional garage environment.

In conclusion, Omaha homeowners have a wide array of popular garage storage solutions to choose from, ranging from wall-mounted shelving systems to overhead storage racks and innovative organizational systems. By investing in quality storage solutions, residents can optimize their garage space, enhance organization, and create a more functional and efficient storage environment

Platinum Garage Solutions

15225 Harvest Ln #1, Bennington, NE 68007, United States


How To Set Up Wall-Mounted Garage Storage – Platinum Garage Solutions

Setting up wall-mounted Garage Storage Bennington NE is a practical and efficient way to maximize space and organize tools, equipment, and other items in your garage.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to set up wall-mounted garage storage, covering planning, installation, and organization tips.

1. Assess Your Storage Needs:

  • Inventory and Categorize Items: Take an inventory of the items you need to store in the garage. Categorize them based on type, size, and frequency of use.
  • Evaluate Available Space: Measure the available wall space in your garage and identify areas where wall-mounted storage can be installed without obstructing doors, windows, or other functional elements.

2. Choose the Right Wall-Mounted Storage Systems:

  • Shelving Units: Select sturdy and durable wall-mounted shelving units that can support the weight of your items. Consider adjustable shelves to accommodate different item sizes.
  • Cabinets and Drawers: Wall-mounted cabinets and drawers are ideal for storing smaller tools, hardware, and items you want to keep out of sight. Look for cabinets with locking mechanisms for added security.
  • Pegboards and Slatwall Systems: Pegboards and slatwall systems provide customizable storage solutions with hooks, brackets, and baskets. They are versatile and allow you to rearrange items easily.
  • Hanging Racks and Hooks: Install hanging racks and hooks to store bicycles, ladders, gardening tools, and other items with handles. Make sure they are securely attached to the wall.

3. Plan the Layout:

  • Consider Accessibility: Arrange storage units based on the accessibility of items. Store frequently used items at eye level or within easy reach.
  • Leave Space for Large Items: Plan for storage of larger items such as bikes, lawn equipment, and tools that may require more space. Ensure that the layout allows for easy access to these items.
  • Create Zones: Establish different zones for specific categories, such as a gardening zone, automotive zone, or general storage zone. This helps maintain organization and efficiency.

4. Gather Tools and Materials:

  • Drill and Screwdriver: A power drill and screwdriver are essential for securing wall-mounted storage units to the wall.
  • Level: Use a level to ensure that your storage units are installed straight and evenly.
  • Stud Finder: Locate and mark the wall studs to ensure a secure attachment for heavy items.
  • Anchors and Screws: Depending on the wall type, use appropriate anchors and screws to secure storage units to the wall.

5. Install Wall-Mounted Storage:

  • Locate Wall Studs: Use a stud finder to locate and mark the positions of wall studs. Mounting storage units to studs ensures a strong and secure installation.
  • Measure and Mark: Use a tape measure to accurately mark the positions where you’ll install the storage units. Double-check measurements to avoid errors.
  • Install Brackets or Mounting Rails: For shelving units, cabinets, and other large storage systems, install brackets or mounting rails on the wall. Ensure that they are level and securely attached to the studs.
  • Attach Storage Units: Once the brackets or rails are in place, attach the storage units following the manufacturer’s instructions. Use the appropriate screws and anchors to secure them.
  • Securely Fasten: Ensure that all fasteners are securely tightened. Check for stability and make adjustments if necessary.

6. Organize and Arrange Items:

  • Sort and Group Items: Organize items into categories and group similar items together. This makes it easier to find and access what you need.
  • Label Storage Bins: If using bins or containers, label them to quickly identify their contents. This helps maintain an organized system.
  • Utilize Adjustable Shelves: If your shelving units have adjustable shelves, customize the spacing to accommodate different-sized items.
  • Hang Tools on Pegboards or Slatwall: Use hooks and holders on pegboards or slatwall to hang tools, gardening equipment, and other items with handles.
  • Store Frequently Used Items at Eye Level: Place frequently used items at eye level for easy access. Reserve lower and higher spaces for items used less frequently.

7. Maintain and Update:

  • Regular Maintenance: Periodically assess the organization and condition of your wall-mounted storage. Make adjustments as needed and ensure that items are returned to their designated spaces.
  • Update as Needed: As your storage needs change or you acquire new items, update your wall-mounted storage system to accommodate these changes. Be flexible in adjusting shelves, hooks, and bins.
  • Safety Considerations: Regularly inspect the stability and security of wall-mounted storage units to prevent accidents. Ensure that heavy items are properly secured.

8. Consider Aesthetic Appeal:

  • Color Coordination: If aesthetics matter to you, consider coordinating the colors of your storage units for a cohesive look. This can enhance the overall appearance of your garage.
  • Use Transparent Bins: For items stored in bins, consider using transparent bins to easily see the contents without having to open them.
  • Add Decorative Elements: Incorporate decorative elements such as labels, chalkboard paint, or decorative hooks to add a personalized touch to your wall-mounted storage.


Setting up wall-mounted Garage Storage Bennington NE involves thoughtful planning, proper installation, and effective organization. By assessing your storage needs, choosing the right storage systems, and following a systematic approach to installation and organization, you can create a functional and well-organized garage space. Regular maintenance and updates ensure that your wall-mounted storage remains efficient and adaptable to your changing needs over time.

Platinum Garage Solutions

15225 Harvest Ln #1, Bennington, NE 68007


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