I can explain how to replace garage door trim in detail based from Lake Worth Garage Door:

Step 1: Remove the old trim.

Using a pry bar, I gently removed the old trim from around the garage door. I made sure to be careful not to damage the siding or any other parts of the garage door. I also removed any old caulk or adhesive that was stuck to the garage door or the trim.

Step 2: Measure and cut the new trim.

I measured the length and width of the garage door and used those measurements to cut a new piece of trim that was the same size as the old one. I used a saw to make the cuts and made sure that the new trim fit perfectly against the garage door.

Step 3: Apply adhesive.

I applied a small amount of construction adhesive to the back of the new trim to help hold it in place. I made sure to apply the adhesive evenly and not too close to the edges of the trim.

Step 4: Install the new trim.

I carefully installed the new trim onto the garage door, making sure it was straight and flush against the door. I used a nail gun to secure the trim in place. I made sure to nail it securely to the garage door, but not too close to the edges of the trim.

Step 5: Caulk the edges.

Once the new trim was installed, I used caulk to seal the edges of the trim against the garage door. This helped to prevent water and air from getting into the garage.

Step 6: Paint the trim.

If the new trim wasn’t already painted, I painted it to match the color of the garage door. I made sure to use a paint that was suitable for outdoor use and that would last for many years.

Overall, in reference to Lake Worth Garage Door, replacing garage door trim is a relatively simple process that can be completed in just a few hours. However, if you’re not comfortable with DIY work or if you’re unsure about anything, it’s always a good idea to consult a professional to ensure that the job is done safely and correctly.

Denzel Garage Door Repair of Lake Worth

3469 S Congress Ave #29, Lake Worth, FL 33461, United States
