Opening a Garage Door Repair Norcross GA can be necessary in various situations, such as when you forget your remote control or keypad code, or when the power is out.

While it’s important to ensure that your garage door remains secure against unauthorized access, there are safe and practical methods for opening the door from the outside. In this guide, we’ll walk you through several methods for opening a garage door from the outside, ensuring convenience and accessibility when needed.

: Using a Key

Many garage door systems are equipped with an emergency release mechanism that allows you to disengage the door from the opener and manually open it using a key. To use this method, locate the emergency release handle on the inside of the garage door, typically near the top of the door or along the track. Insert the key into the lock cylinder and turn it clockwise to disengage the door from the opener. Then, lift the door manually from the bottom until it is fully open.

: Using a Screwdriver

If you don’t have access to a key or the emergency release mechanism is jammed or malfunctioning, you can use a screwdriver to manually disengage the garage door from the opener. Insert a flathead screwdriver into the gap between the top panel of the garage door and the track. Gently pry the panel away from the track to create enough space to insert the screwdriver further. Once you have enough clearance, slide the screwdriver along the track until you reach the emergency release mechanism. Apply gentle pressure to release the mechanism and manually lift the door open.

: Using a Coat Hanger

In some cases, you may need to improvise with household items to open a garage door from the outside. One method is to use a coat hanger or similar flexible tool to reach inside the garage and manipulate the emergency release mechanism. Straighten out the coat hanger and bend one end into a hook shape. Insert the hook end through the gap between the top panel of the garage door and the track, then maneuver it until you reach the emergency release mechanism. Apply gentle pressure to release the mechanism and manually lift the door open.

: Using a Garage Door Opener Remote

If you have a spare garage door opener remote or access to one, you can use it to open the garage door from the outside. Simply point the remote at the garage door opener receiver and press the button to activate the door. Keep in mind that this method may not work if the opener receiver is out of range or if the remote’s battery is dead.

: Using a Keypad Code

If your garage door is equipped with a keypad entry system, you can use your programmed code to open the door from the outside. Enter your code on the keypad and press the “Enter” or “Open” button to activate the door. If you don’t have the code or if it’s not working, you may need to reset the keypad or contact the manufacturer for assistance.


Opening a Garage Door Repair Norcross GA can be necessary in certain situations, such as when you forget your remote control or keypad code. By following these methods and taking proper precautions, you can safely and effectively open your garage door from the outside when needed. Remember to always prioritize safety and security, and consider investing in backup solutions such as spare keys or remote controls to prevent future inconvenience.

Larson Engineering of Ga

5950 Live Oak Pkwy # 300, Norcross, GA 30093, United States
